Netanyahu Lashes Out at Erdogan After He Calls Israel ‘Fascist State’


The “nation-state” law passed by Israel legitimizes unlawful actions, oppression, shows that Israel is the most Zionist, fascist and racist country, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told parliament.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reacted to Erdogan’s speech, saying Turkey under Erdogan is turning into a “dark dictatorship.”

“Erdogan is massacring the Syrians and the Kurds and is jailing thousands of his own people. This great democrat’s criticism of the Nation-State Law is the greatest compliment it could be paid,” Netanyahu responded to Erdogan’s critical speech.

The spirit of Adolf Hitler has re-emerged among some Israeli administrators, according to the Turkish President.

“The spirit of Hitler, which led the world to a great catastrophe, has found its resurgence among some of Israel’s leaders,” he stated.

Israel has shown it is a terrorist state by attacking Palestinians with tanks and artillery, he said in a speech to ruling AK Party lawmakers.

Erdogan has also stated that Ankara will continue security operations along its own country’s borders until all the terrorists have been removed, adding no one has the right to criticize a new anti-terrorism law the government is drafting.

Emergency rule, which came into force after a July 2016 coup attempt, expired last week. Opponents of the ruling party consider the government’s new anti-terrorism bill, now being debated in parliament, will give Erdogan extensive security powers.

Relations between Israel and Turkey have seriously deteriorated amid violence in the Gaza Strip, as well as the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, with both leaders expressing their condemnation of each other’s policy.

One of the Jewish state’s few key Muslim partners has turned out to be the cause of this latest rift.

Ankara expelled Israel’s ambassador in May over the killing of protestors along the border with the Gaza Strip.

A state of emergency was proclaimed in Turkey after a failed coup attempt in July 2016 and has been prolonged since then at regular intervals.

On July 15, 2016, a military takeover attempt took place in Turkey, with over 240 people killed.

Following the unrest, over 50,000 people were imprisoned, and more than 160,000 government officials and military officers were dismissed or suspended.

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